Sons of The American Legion Membership Application
Detachment of: __________
Squadron No.: __________
Date of Birth: ____/____/______
First Name: __________________________________
Last Name: __________________________________
Address: City: ______________________________
State: _____________________________
Zip: _____________
E-Mail Address: __________________________________
Phone: (_____)______-__________
Veteran through whom eligibility is established: ______________________
- Above is member in good standing of Post # ______
Department of: ______________________________
Or (b) Above is a deceased Veteran who served Honorably
From ______________ to _____________________
Relationship of Applicant to Veteran: _______________________
I hereby subscribe to the Constitution of The Sons of the American Legion,
Apply for membership, and transmit $30.00 as annual membership dues.
Signed _____________________________________
(By Applicant or Parent)
Print the Application, After completing application, mail or drop it off at the American Legion Post 81.